Tìr a' bhalgaire / Tyrebagger / small gift / party favour, 7 g
Tìr a' bhalgaire - the hill of the fox.
Inspired by Aberdeenshire woods: a blend of wild raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, Rosebay Willowherb leaves and heather.
The blend has a pleasant aroma and is full of health benefits.
- Rosebay Willow Herb is caffeine free and can promote relaxation; help with digestive issues, improve mood and concentration and support the immune system.
- Heather is mildly sedative and can help with nervous exhaustion. Contains vitamin C, K, Potassium, Manganese.
- Wild blueberry leaves are valued for their high content of inulin, flavonoids, anthocyanin, also vitamin C.
- Raspberry leaves contain toxin-fighting antioxidants.
Makes 2-3 cups
Small gift box is perfect as a party favour for birthdays, bridal showers, etc.